Hands-Off CEO Podcast

_263086 - Podcast with Steve Gordon (1)

Podcast Prospecting – Scale Your Marketing with a Podcast Hub with Steve Gordon – E32

Steve Gordon was my guest on the podcast today.

He’s a 2-time entrepreneur, and bestselling author of Unstoppable Referrals: 10x Referrals, Half the Effort and The Exponential Network Strategy. He’s the host of The Unstoppable CEO™ podcast, and has published over 400 articles on marketing and sales for professional service firms. His firm, The Unstoppable Agency helps consultants and digital agencies land great clients by hosting their own podcast and using his proprietary Podcast Prospecting Method.

In this episode, I got Steve talking about his strategy for scaling marketing with a podcast as a hub.

The best part of this strategy is that it works without being sales-y, pitch-y, or push-y, because it provides value at no cost.

Find out:

  • where your competition is totally dropping the ball, and how you take advantage to generate more business
  • the surprising way to generate leads and referrals with podcasts (there was a huge “ah-ha” in it for me that I’m not feverishly implementing);
  • how podcasts help you land new clients (spoiler alert- it’s not about the podcast); and
  • the three sales that happen in every transaction, and what you need to do to hit all three.

Final thoughts

For you to have more time to work on growing and scaling your consulting agency, you need to be out of the day-to-day. This means automation. Delegation. Establishing processes and clearly communicating expected outcomes to your team so they can run with it without your involvement. 

One of the things I really like about Steve’s strategy is that the CEO just has to show up, and speak about their area of brilliance. (Which is something they’re generally good at and are comfortable doing anyway.) Then the team can repurpose the podcast content (blogs, newsletters, social media, etc.). With a good team in place, the CEO hardly needs to be involved in content development at all.

Read Podcast Prospecting!

Download and read Steve’s book, Podcast Prospecting. I bought it on Amazon and it was an amazing read!  

As a special offer for The Hands-Off CEO™ Podcast listeners, use this link https://unstoppableceo.net/handsoffceo to get the book for free!

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