The Hands-Off CEO Blog

[FOMO warning] Pics and Drone Footage of Our Hands-Off CEO Beach Retreat

Yesterday was our final day for our first Hands-Off CEO beach retreat. I am in deep gratitude of the massive shifts were made.

You can see the drone video shot of us here in the beach house and the ocean and lagoon around us.

Leadership was dramatically up-leveled for each CEO. ‘Smartcuts’ were found by all. Everyone realized how hard they are making it, and discovered much shorter and easier paths to rapidly grow our businesses and delegate whole responsibilities to their team. We each walked away a new person, ready to lead a more effective business and team.

A team that can run the business, so we can grow it.

Each more committed and clear about their vision and how it services our clients, our teams, and our communities. But most important, how it blesses our families. And how to put the most important people first in a way that grows profit and adds value to our businesses. THAT was powerful, and it flowed easily out of everyone’s commitment to their families.

We walked through tools for processing information faster. Cutting right to the root, and swiftly marking decisive decisions.

We accomplished SO MUCH in such a tiny space of time that it felt like a time warp.

We talked strategy and generously shared our business strengths. We called each other out on our BS, and got to see our own resistance mirrored in other people. We shared vulnerably in a safe place, without fear of judgement.


Each person made a conscious time investment to be there, and had massive breakthroughs in how they showed up as leaders.

It was incredible for us all to see people physically shift before our eyes. To hear the new found strength and conviction in their voice. And the shifts that they made in themselves that made it possible to be there.

We did visioning on the beach. Formed powerful relationships, started the early forming of partnerships, made referrals, and some even looked at doing business with each other.


Deep connections were made and a “business family” was born.

(Their words not mine.)

We filled the walls with giant, colorful sticky notes. We ate yummy Indian food and chocolate peanut butter cups until we were stuffed. We walked on the beach and built powerful, lasting relationships that will add unquantifiable value to our businesses.

The bar was set high to be there.

EVERYONE in the room had to have something to add. Many people were not accepted or invited to the event.

It was an exclusive event just for 6-7 figure Hands-Off CEOs where we created a space to up-level and raise the bar for everything in our lives and business.


We got crystal clarity on what is *really* holding us back from the next level of success and growth.

*Hint, no surprise to me, we spoke about hard core tactics less than half the time.

Everyone got out of the event what they came for. And were overjoyed that they came. Everything we accomplished came out of a commitment to create a high-level community of 6-7+ figure Hands-Off CEOs.

This powerful high-level tribe we created all contributed to each other’s business transformation. And they learned ninja influence tools that they can bring back to coach and inspire their team, their clients, and even sticky vendor relationships.

I guarantee no other powerhouse community of Hands-Off CEOs exists anywhere in the world like it.

Those who were invited, but had “a good reason,” now are now seething with envy to see what their peers experienced without them. They are likely realizing that NOT being able to leave their business, and NOT having the time to come, was the exact thing that they would have had a massive breakthrough on by committing to come. Those who were committed to be there, I was committed to help make happen for them. And they were so grateful that they did the right thing. For some it was their spouse who gave them the push. For others, they needed to enroll their spouse in their vision and why they needed to be there.

What would it be like if you could have a team that could take on whole responsibilities in your business?

What would be possible if your team could run the business, so you could grow the business? How much more could you accomplish this year?

Want to be at our next private client retreat? Do you feel called to step up into a new level of success? Would you like to be part of a exclusive group of Hands-Off CEOs committed to rapid growth? Not for a place of stress and grind, but out of a place of ease and flow. And more freedom and more profits.

If you feel tethered to your business, or are otherwise addicted to the hustle.. and if want to discover what it might look like to accelerate profits, maximizing your current resources and team, maybe the next retreat is for you.

We are accepting applications for pre-enrollment now. We already have commitments for half of the spaces available and we don’t even have a venue or exact date yet. To put it this way our client Mel said “I have no idea what I even signed up for, but I know if you were doing it than it would be amazing and I wanted a spot!”

If it looks like a good fit, you will be interviewed by a member of the Hands-Off CEO team.


Let us help you Scale to Freedom

We help consulting agency CEOs free up 10 hours per week for strategic growth, command 50-600% higher fees, and unlock millions of dollars of profitable growth.
Mandi Ellefson

Mandi Ellefson

Mandi Ellefson helps service businesses with the tricky task of becoming scalable. Her passion is helping freedom seeking entrepreneurs scale the better way– for success in their business and in the rest of their life. Out of a decade+ experience and testing as a business manager, and then building and selling a design business, Mandi has created a system that is responsible for generating tens of thousands of dollars of new revenue for businesses she's worked with.

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