Hands-Off CEO Podcast

3 Ways-You-Can-Fail-With-Hiring-an-Operations-Manager

3 Ways You Can Fail with Hiring an Operations Manager – E47


Next to hiring salespeople, hiring an Operations Manager is the most difficult position to hire for. I’m going to share with you the three ways that we see CEO’s fail when hiring a Second in Command. And then how to get them right.

Even if you find a great candidate, you won’t be able to retain them for long if you haven’t considered what we share in this episode.

Listen in to find out:

Here are the three main areas where CEO’s struggle or fail when hiring an Operations Manager:

  1. Your company isn’t ready. There’s no clear offer that you sell that’s profitable. You’re not sure who you’re selling it to, or how to reach them. If your cash flow is weak, or you don’t have a strong business foundation, your risk of failure is very high.
  2. You’re not ready. As the CEO and leader of the company, you need to be ready with a strong vision, leadership, and management skills. And a willingness to let go.
  3. You’re not screening for the right skills. You haven’t defined the hard skills (easy to train for) and soft skills (more difficult to train for) you’ll require for this position. And you haven’t considered the stage of business you’re in to find just the right person.

In the podcast, I go into more detail on what to consider and how to get these things right when hiring your Second in Command.

Final thoughts:

This is why we’re able to guarantee results for our clients when we hire an Operations Manager, because we know that we have these three things in place. And the likelihood of them having success with this position is very high.

Would you like our support to hire and develop an Operations Manager who can get you out of the daily noise, and free you to grow 50-100% this next year?

Reach out and let’s have a conversation. We can give you some feedback on what you’re doing right now with your Operations Manager and how you might be able to get better results for them. You can reach out to me at [email protected]. Or apply below for a complimentary Scalable Growth Diagnostic Session.

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We help consulting agency CEOs free up 10 hours per week for strategic growth, command 50-600% higher fees, and unlock millions of dollars of profitable growth.
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