The Hands-Off CEO Blog

Uncover Your “X-Factor,” Deliver More Value, and Dramatically Increase Your Fees

Isabelle Mercier-Turcotte from Leap Zone Strategies knows a thing or two about running a Hands-Off business. Isabelle is a best-selling author and a TED speaker.

She has built successful business since a teenager, and preaches the sermon our adding more value to stand-out, charge more and be a force to reckon with in your industry.


Here is what you can learn from her:

  • The steps to double your pricing
  • How can someone nail down their competitive edge? (Money-Making Edge)
  • What it takes for a client to choose your product or service…regardless of price?
  • Why a clear brand is critical to delegating and becoming a HANDS-OFF CEO, and how it will help increase quality in service delivery.
  • How to find what Isabelle calls your “X-Factor” and uncover opportunities in your industry to stand out, and deliver more value, and dramatically increase your fees.
  • How a security company innovated to become top in their industry with a brand promise that their competitors couldn’t even come close to meeting.


Check out Isabelle here:

Twitter: @LeapZone, #BuildToRock
Facebook: BuildToRock
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We help consulting agency CEOs free up 10 hours per week for strategic growth, command 50-600% higher fees, and unlock millions of dollars of profitable growth.
Mandi Ellefson

Mandi Ellefson

Mandi Ellefson helps service businesses with the tricky task of becoming scalable. Her passion is helping freedom seeking entrepreneurs scale the better way– for success in their business and in the rest of their life. Out of a decade+ experience and testing as a business manager, and then building and selling a design business, Mandi has created a system that is responsible for generating tens of thousands of dollars of new revenue for businesses she's worked with.

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