Hands-Off CEO Podcast

Coaching the Person In Front of You with Dr. K Final

Coaching the Client in Front of You with Dr. K. – E44

Dr. Fern Kazlow talks to host Mandi Ellefson about innovative ways to scale your business and the importance of choosing a mentor that fits your current business needs.

Dr. K is a clinical psychotherapist, a business strategist and a mentor who works with entrepreneurs, actors and highly driven people. While, most mentors teach you that being a high performer means you need to push harder and use willpower. But Dr. K. teaches paradox resistance, which means what got entrepreneurs to a very high level may now work against them and hold them back from greater achievements. Instead of pushing against what feels good – it is important to learn to work with it, harness it and navigate it, because the gold is in the resistance.

Listen in to find out:

  • The litmus test of choosing who you want to be and how to best grow your business.
  • The hidden power drivers and how to actually determine what they are for you.
  • How to best use the “hands-off” method in your business to help it grow.
  • Why it is important to hire self-guided people.

Final thoughts

Dr. K and Mandi talk about ways to be hands-off in your business while being aligned with your inner journey.

  • Everyone is 100% responsible. The coach is 100% responsible for helping the client and the client is 100% responsible for their part.
  • An experience may seem not worth it at the time, but no experience is worthless. With a change in mindset you will see the lessons that will help you move towards your goals.
  • Not every client is right for your business. They may need someone to get them ready. Ask yourself “Are they the right client? What is the right goal for them?”
  • Focus on the why.
  • How being intentionally “hands-off” and “hands-on” in your business will actually allow your business to scale because you will be able to lead.
  • Choose a mentor that is aligned with your current business goals and that will encourage your growth in a way that speaks to you.

Get in Touch with Dr. K

Website: https://drkazlow.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrKazlow/

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