The Hands-Off CEO Blog

Push Starting a Car and the Connection to Hitting $100k/mo in Profits – E64

Mandi Ellefson discusses how to get out of the entrapment cycle in this solo episode of Hands-Off CEO. You’ll hear Mandi talk about: The entrapment cycle seizes many CEOs. “There’s this dynamic where you need to hire more experts to help you deliver the growth, but then you need more cash flow to be able to hire them. So you…

3 Ways You Can Fail with Hiring an Operations Manager – E47

3 Ways-You-Can-Fail-With-Hiring-an-Operations-Manager

ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED January, 2020. Next to hiring salespeople, hiring an Operations Manager is the most difficult position to hire for. I’m going to share with you the three ways that we see CEO’s fail when hiring a Second in Command. And then how to get them right. Even if you find a great candidate, you won’t be able to retain…