Where to Focus in 2021 to Ramp Up Client Acquisition in Your Consulting Company – E42
Ramp up client acquisition in your consulting business without making it complex.
You can grow your company without having to slow yourself down with all of the tactics that you see all over the web. Many online gurus promote complex funnels (because they’re selling the software and services to have those funnels), but these funnels actually add a level of complexity.
Instead, you can make sure that you are doing the steps of scaling your marketing and your sales at the time that’s actually appropriate in your business. So the best thing to do is actually to be focusing on something that’s more on a strategy that’s a lot simpler, more direct, and more efficient. You can be very targeted with who you’re reaching out to and that you’re selling at a price point where you can at least double your retainers (in many cases, our clients triple or quadruple their retainers).
Listen in to find out:
- How to get off the treadmill of burning through cash and clients
- How to attract the right clients for your business
- How to build your team to actually deliver better results
Final thoughts
I’ve been there. I’ve spent time on this treadmill, burning through the cash and wrong clients. But I’ve also learned how to attract the right clients and set my team up to deliver the results
If you’re wondering how this can work for your business, join our Executive Briefing every Wednesday. In a small group environment, we discuss what’s working to scale growth in agencies right now and how this model might fit your business.
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