The Hands-Off CEO Blog

Add $290k in profits (without new clients)

Here’s how an agency secures $290,000 in new profits from their existing client base – WITHOUT adding a single new customer.

Looking at hundreds of consulting agencies, we’ve discovered a pattern: While most agencies chase new clients, the real profit opportunity is hiding in plain sight – your existing client base.

We helped one of our agency clients analyze their client mix:

  • 40% were small project clients at $15,000
  • 40% were “grandfathered” clients at $30,000
  • 20% were newer clients at $50,000
  • They had a new $100,000 offer but no clients at that tier yet

By focusing on just 4 carefully selected clients and moving them to higher-value engagements, they could increase net profits by:

  • $290,000 with standard pricing
  • $190,000 with a 25% case study discount
  • $90,000 even with a 50% case study discount

The key? Vision Selling.

Here’s the framework that makes it work:

  • Progress acknowledgment: “You’ve built a strong foundation, growing from $2M to $5M in revenue…”
  • Social proof: “We’ve seen similar agencies triple their client value in 12 months…”
  • Next opportunity: “Your next opportunity is moving from project-based work to strategic growth partner…”
  • Future potential: “Which will unlock your ability to command $100k+ engagements while delivering even better results…”

And right now is the perfect timing. Why?

  • Clients are in year-end buying mode
  • Many need tax write-offs
  • Natural time for planning next year’s growth

Most agencies get this wrong by:

  • Positioning as technicians instead of growth partners
  • Missing chances to showcase expanded capabilities
  • Failing to paint a 2-3 year vision

The Solution: Focus on your top 10-30% of clients and:

  • Target bigger growth opportunities
  • Position as a growth partnership
  • Offer strategic discounts for case studies
  • Create longer-term engagement roadmaps

Ready to unlock this potential? Start by asking:

  1. Who sees you as technicians vs. growth partners?
  2. What client budgets could be unlocked?
  3. What successes could be showcased?
  4. Which clients could benefit from similar outcomes?

The opportunity to add $290,000 in net profits is sitting in your existing client base right now.
Are you ready to unlock it?

Book a Scalable Growth Session here:


Let us help you Scale to Freedom

We help consulting agency CEOs free up 10 hours per week for strategic growth, command 50-600% higher fees, and unlock millions of dollars of profitable growth.
Mandi Ellefson

Mandi Ellefson

Mandi Ellefson helps service businesses with the tricky task of becoming scalable. Her passion is helping freedom seeking entrepreneurs scale the better way– for success in their business and in the rest of their life. Out of a decade+ experience and testing as a business manager, and then building and selling a design business, Mandi has created a system that is responsible for generating tens of thousands of dollars of new revenue for businesses she's worked with.

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